Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

While we strive to give prompt, pragmatic and professional advice, if you feel you need to make a complaint, you are free to do so. 

If you believe something has gone wrong, you need to tell us about it. In the first instance, please contact the Solicitor/Partner supervising your matter setting out the concerns you have/complaint you would like to make. Here is what will happen next:

1. Within three working days of receiving your complaint/concerns, the Solicitor/Partner you contacted will send you a written acknowledgement and a copy of this policy.


2. Within 10 working days of the acknowledgement, the Solicitor/Partner you contacted will:

a. investigate your complaint. This will normally involve reviewing your matter and speaking to any member of staff involved in your matter. This step may include us inviting you to a meeting to discuss the complaint. You are free to also request a meeting; and

b. respond in detail to your complaint/concerns. 

If this timescale is not achievable, the Solicitor/Partner will inform you of the reasons why and explain when s/he anticipates being able to reply. 

3. Once we have responded to your complaint, you can escalate it if you are not satisfied with the outcome. If so:

a. you should contact Matthew Kilgannon ( / 07769 700 343) to explain in writing your further concerns.  If Matthew Kilgannon is the Partner who made the initial decision, another Partner may be appointed; and then

b. Matthew Kilgannon will write to you within 10 working days of receiving your further concerns setting out his findings and the firm’s final position. 

4. If you are still not satisfied with the firm’s final position, you have further recourse to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority (SRA) or the Legal Ombudsman:

a. if your complaint is about the work we did or your bill (or if we have not resolved your complaint within eight weeks of receiving it), you should contact the Legal Ombudsman at PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH, telephone 0300 555 0333 or via the website Any complaint to the Legal Ombudsman must ordinarily meet all the following:

i. Your complaint is within 6 years of the problem happening or 3 years from when you found out about it; 

ii. Your complaint is within 6 months of our final response; and 

iii. You are a member of the public, a small businesses, charity, club or trust. 

b. If your compliant is about your solicitor’s behaviour, you should contact the SRA at The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN, telephone 0370 606 255 or via its website

Kilgannon & Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our SRA No. is 655674. 

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