Ethos and Values

Ethos and Values

Deciding to set up a new law firm took guts and determination. Deciding to leave a secure job to join us does too, and we fully understand that.

We want to do things differently and see huge opportunity for a niche practice. The legal profession is undergoing massive change and we can see that new ways of working are driving that change.

Add in the desire of younger lawyers to work more flexibly and it soon becomes clear that “traditional” may soon mean “extinct”. The fight to survive for traditional firms means the focus becomes less about ‘doing the right thing’ and more about survival.

In creating something new, we can be (and are) fussy over who we recruit; only those who share our ethos and values will be of interest. 

When deciding how we want to treat clients, suppliers and each other, we have been able to identify 5 key core values:

1. Honesty;

2. Integrity;

3. Professionalism;

4. Fairness; and

5. Transparency.

We have adopted the phrase “do the right thing” as our ethos, as this underpins all our values, all that we do and how we behave. Even in our relatively short existence we can demonstrate how and when we have done the right thing and adhered to these values.


This value sees us being honest with each other and our suppliers as well as clients and potential clients. For example, by making sure we can add value to a situation at the outset; if not, we will explain how/why and never seek to charge for being unable to help. 

For those clients we take on, we will always be able to advise on prospects and likely costs. More than that, we will give an honest appraisal of the broader issues involved, which can be the commercial considerations for any given situation and/or the emotional impact of adopting a contentious path. We strive to ensure clients know what issues may be faced with any course of action.


This trait is a requirement of all Solicitors, but, to us, it means more and applies to all our business relationships, not just those with clients. 

We exercise utmost truthfulness, honesty and professionalism in all our dealings. This includes telling prospective clients not to use us, where it is not be in their best interests to do so. This is usually because they would be wasting their money or they have an alternative means of funding legal advice, such as, insurance.


In all we do, we ensure that every aspect remains professional. To us this means striving for excellence; both the service we delver and the advice we provide. 

How we behave and act reflects on us and we ensure that we are accountable for what we do. We stand by our advice and do our utmost to do what we say; whether keeping to our agreed fee budgets or providing our advice within agreed timescales.


The whole concept of the firm is about fairness.  To us this means, being fair by ensuring consistency of treatment to our Partners and staff; whether that relates to remuneration or time off. It especially gets focus with the work-life balance we can offer our Partners meaning we’re being fair to them and their families. 

Being honest and open with our clients, suppliers and each other ensures we conduct ourselves fairly.


We are always upfront and clear to clients about what work we will undertake, the best course of action and likely fees so there are no unwanted surprises. With our Partners we are equal in treatment and open about what other Partners earn so there is no internal issue caused by difference in treatment.

We provide our advice clearly and in a way that ensures clients understand their position, the options available to them and how we recommend they proceed. This applies from the very outset of our relationship and continues throughout.

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